
'It is approximated that 1/3 of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) will transition within the first 5 years of their inauguration. Most of these SMEs are family owned businesses, representing years of personal investment & work.'

60% of those SMEs do not have a business transition plan.
Only 25% of salable companies will be successful in transition.
Lets us help you ensure that you are among that 25%

We help raise your business with hands on expertise!

It is quite common for Managers, Owners and Entrepreneurs to face stress, inefficiencies, lost opportunities and decline in profits from being overburdened and having inadequate resources or expertise. These expertise gaps can be a result of growth, reconstruction, changing business or industry conditions, merger or acquisition. Your business may not need fulltime expertise but rather short-term, interim, project based or ongoing on a part-time basis. Aarchiz aids by providing hands on management advisory service, which enables you to focus on the most efficient use of your time and available resources. Aarchiz Consultants are a team of experienced and proven entrepreneurs, executives and managers who deliver exceptional value.